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BUJ Hybrid-Summit Doing Business in Canada am 21.11.2024 in Frankfurt am Main

21. November 2024, 15:30 bis 19:00 Uhr


Achtung: Die Veranstaltung findet hybrid und in englischer Sprache statt. Bitte wählen Sie bei der Anmeldung, ob Sie virtuell teilnehmen möchten.


Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 16:00 Uhr (Einlass und Begrüßungskaffee ab 15:30 Uhr) in den Räumlichkeiten von Gowling WLG, Main Tower, 32nd Floor, Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58, 60311 Frankfurt, und wird ab 19:00 Uhr mit einem Get-Together ausklingen. 


Part 1 – Why Canada?


Why choose Canada as either a place to do business or an investment destination? We will focus on Canada’s political and economic outlook and will spotlight those sectors where the Canada-German relationship has been most active. We will provide an overview of Canada’s legal system and the certainties it offers for those wishing to do business there.


Part 2 – Coming to Canada (and what to do when you get there)


We will address the legal fundamentals of doing business in Canada. From how to establish your operations, navigating regulatory hurdles, figuring out the tax regime to the basics of employing people. This is a practical guide for companies looking to Canada as a place to grow.


Part 3 – Building Canadian German Opportunities


We focus on investment activity in Canada coming from Germany and in Germany coming from Canada. This includes a review of the Canada Europe Trade Agreement (CETA), government efforts to promote investment and how institutional investors from both countries are looking at the Canada German economic relationship.


Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur angemeldete Personen am Summit teilnehmen können. Anmeldeschluss ist am 14. November 2024. Diese Präsenzveranstaltung ist für Sie als BUJ-Mitglied kostenfrei.



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